Neurofeedback Platform for Mental Health and Wellbeing

With neuromore we develop the first platform for neurofeedback solutions to improve wellbeing and address mental health issues.

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Brain Training for Mental Health and Well-being

Neuromore develops an operating system for neurofeedback applications that use brain-computer-interfaces (BCIs) to improve wellbeing and to tackle mental health conditions like anxiety, ADHD, depression, and epilepsy.

As a small boutique agency we work with leading EEG hardware companies, disruptive startups and visionary clinicians to develop neurofeedback applications, a technique through which patients condition their brain to be more calm, focused, and alert with lasting effects.

As part of the team we work hand in hand with neuromore's B2B partners, understand and translate their needs, and oversee the engineering to deliver fast solutions.

Neuromore is now successfully working with 4 major partners in the industry while simultaneously developing their own product, the neuromore Studio.

Images of the platform

A woman controlling the speed of a car using neurofeedback in the neuromore Studio

Users can control various environments with their brain like the weather and fog in the forest...
... or the speed in the hypnotic tunnel.
The visual drag and drop editor of our platform makes it easy to create your own neurofeedback applications and experiences.

Clinicians can analyze sessions in the cloud frontend.

How the technology works

Neurofeedback - Wikipedia
How neurofeedback works. Image source

The image above gives a good overview how the technique works: a patient watches a movie, listens to music or plays a game with a BCI on their head (see image). Through processing of the neural signals coming from the BCI our software can determine their current brain activity and gives feedback depending on the state of the patient’s brain (the right part of the image). For example, if the brain is in a calm, alert, and focused state the software would keep the movie clear and bright or accelerate a car in a game. If the patient’s mind drifts off on the other hand the screen would get blurry, the volume would get quieter or the car slows down. To keep watching the movie, listening to the audio or moving the car the brain now subconsiously figures out how to change its patterns into the desired state that ultimately brings the patient more well-being and a higher quality of life.

Think of it like a gym for your brain — just instead of flexing your biceps or doing squats to train your legs you train your brain muscles to get lasting results. The beauty of neurofeedback is that the technique is non-intrusive and compared to medication completely side-effect-free.

Our approach

Although neurofeedback has been used in clinical practice for over 60 years and shows consistent positive effects (especially for ADHD, epilepsy, and anxiety), it is still relatively little known among clinicians and health pracitioners. Our mission is to bring the technique to the wider masses through collaboration with big partners in the neurotech space. For that we are developing the neuromore Studio, a B2B Desktop & Cloud system that we white-label to EEG hardware companies and biotech startups. Through those collaborations we work with clinicians and consumers to help more people overcome their mental health issues.